12 Free CISSP Exam Prep Study Resources

CISSP Exam Prep

Here’s a list of free study resources that you can use to prepare for the CISSP exam:

1. (ISC)² Official Study Guide: (ISC)² offers a free Official CISSP Study Guide that covers the eight domains of the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). You can download it from the official (ISC)² website.

2. (ISC)² Official YouTube Channel: The (ISC)² YouTube channel offers various videos and webinars that cover CISSP exam topics, tips, and insights from experts.

3. Cybrary: Cybrary provides a range of free CISSP training resources, including video lectures, practice exams, and study guides.

4. Open Security Training: Open Security Training offers a collection of free security-related courses, including some that align with CISSP domains.

5. Study Notes and Theory: This website offers a free study guide with notes and practice questions that cover all the CISSP domains.

6. TechExams CISSP Forum: The TechExams CISSP forum is a community where you can find discussions, study groups, and advice from individuals preparing for the CISSP exam.

7. Reddit CISSP Community: The CISSP subreddit (r/cissp) is a helpful place to connect with others who are studying for the CISSP exam. You can find study tips, resources, and discussions.

8. LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com): Some LinkedIn Learning courses may be available for free through libraries or educational institutions. Search for CISSP-related courses to find potential resources.

9. YouTube: Search for CISSP tutorials and study guides on YouTube. Many educators and professionals share valuable insights and explanations for CISSP concepts.

10. Sunflower CISSP Study Guide: This is a free, downloadable PDF that provides a concise summary of the CISSP CBK domains and key concepts.

11. Quizlet: Quizlet offers flashcards and study sets created by users, which can be helpful for memorizing key terms and concepts.

12. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing: While not exclusive to CISSP, this free resource covers a broad range of cloud security concepts that can be relevant to the CISSP exam.

Remember that while these resources are free, the quality and accuracy can vary. It’s a good practice to use multiple sources to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the material. Additionally, consider looking for free trial periods or limited access to paid platforms like LinkedIn Learning, which might give you access to more comprehensive study materials for a short period of time.

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